Dead at 27
These people were dead at 27:
- Kurt Cobain
- Amy Winehouse
- Jim Morrison
- Jimi Hendrix
- Janis Joplin
All brightly shining stars. All snuffed out too soon.
Swedish DJ Avicii’s death this year really shook me. He was 28. My age.
He said the industry was going to kill him.
And he was right.
You do not have to be tortured to be creative.
You do not have to be tortured to be creative.
You do not have to be tortured to be creative.
Okay there, now that I’ve said it three times, maybe you will begin to believe it.
Because the truth is, I am tired of the myth. I am sick of tragedy being accepted as a precursor to creative greatness.
A creative mind alone does not make one suicidal. Do you know what can, though? Miserable relationships, personal isolation, and a culture which mistakenly puts personal achievements above everything.
Here’s the mantra I’ve been repeating to myself over and over since my breakdown early this year:
There is no point in gaining world if you lose yourself.
We need you.
Much love as always ❤
— Todd B
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