NaNoWriMo Inspiration Day 3/30 — RIDE THE WAVE

Todd Brison
1 min readNov 3, 2016

Here’s why some of you will fail:

You will fail at NaNoWriMo because you won’t take advantage of the early momentum. You won’t write more when you could have. It’s a lot harder to make progress when the shine wears off.

Instead, RIDE THE WAVE. Don’t just write 1,667 words a day, write twice that. Write as much as you can and then write some more.

It’s not about checking the box for the day, it’s about checking the box for the month.

Later in November (when life events happen) it’ll be good to have some cushion.

You got this.

If you missed episode two, check out GO ALL IN right here.

Happy writing,

— TB

