We Don’t Know Anything

Todd Brison
2 min readMar 29, 2017

“Dude, you need to slow down,” he told me one night on our call.

Immediately, I flared up. Slow down?? I despised slowing down. There was too much to do — posts to be written, people to meet, publications to impact, speeches to prepare.

“I know you’re focused on the next thing, but think about how much you’ve done,” he said, still with the tone of talking someone off a cliff.

“You’ve come SO far, even in just the last 3 months. Don’t get so caught up in what you are doing that you forget what you HAVE done.”

In the past, Ambitious Todd would have never acknowledged Past Todd’s efforts He would have asked for more and more and more until Tired Todd tumbled under the weight of his own expectations.

Deep breath. Then another. He was right, of course.

My friends have made me more successful than any effort on my part.

And we don’t know anything.

Well, we know a little. One of us has done hundreds of thousands of dollars in Internet products. The other of us already published a book on every platform and used it to start a coaching business. The third one is a numbers genius who manages money for online businesses.

Want to know the big secret?

None of us had done any of the things we’re doing now until we became close friends. We were spinning our wheels, isolated in our own egos.

There is a weird stigma around Mastermind Groups. You think you have to be accepted by someone.

“If only I could get in [some famous person]” you think. “They would tell me all the answers.”

Don’t think that. Don’t believe that. Don’t wait for that.

Instead, start your own group. Do it today. Find one like-minded person and commit to weekly progress. Together, you will find the answers.

My group talks to each other once a week. Sometimes advice is exchanged. Sometimes we just say “man, you are awesome.”

But every week, we walk arm in arm toward The Great Indifference, hoping to make a chink in the universe.

That has made all the difference.

I’m Todd, and no, I don’t have a cleverly crafted email catcher waiting at this link.

It’s just more work like this.

— TB

